Website Building » Wix » Why Is My Favicon Blurry Wix?

Why Is My Favicon Blurry Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 3:19 am

If you’ve ever wondered why your favicon looks blurry on Wix, you’re not alone. It’s a common problem that can be caused by a few different things.

The first possibility is that the favicon you’re using is too small. Wix requires favicons to be at least 256px x 256px, so if your favicon is smaller than that, it will appear blurry.


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Another possibility is that the favicon you’re using has been compressed. When you save a favicon, it’s important to make sure that it’s not compressed, or else it will appear blurry on Wix.

PRO TIP: If you have recently noticed that your Favicon is blurry when viewing your website on Wix, it is most likely due to a change in how Wix renders Favicons. This change affects all Favicons, regardless of how they were created. The good news is, there is a fix! Simply go to your site’s settings and select “Reset to default Favicon”. This will reset your Favicon to the default Wix icon and should fix the problem.

Finally, it’s possible that the blurriness is caused by the way Wix generates favicons.

When you upload a favicon to Wix, they automatically generate different sizes of the favicon for different devices. This can sometimes cause the favicon to appear blurry on certain devices.

If your favicon is blurry on Wix, there are a few possible reasons why. The first possibility is that the favicon you’re using is too small. Another possibility is that the favicon you’re using has been compressed. Finally, it’s possible that the blurriness is caused by the way Wix generates favicons. If you’re not sure which of these is causing the problem, try each of them until you find the one that works for you.

The most common reason why your favicon may be appearing blurry on Wix has to do with the size of the file itself. Your favicon must be at least 256px by 256px in order to appear correctly on the site, and anything smaller than this will likely result in a fuzzy or unclear image. Another possibility for why your image might not be appearing as crisp as you’d like has to do with how the file was saved – if your icon was compressed when exported from its original software, this can lead to lower quality and decreased clarity.

If you’re unsure about why your particular favicon isn’t looking its best on Wix, try experimenting with a few different sizes or export methods until you find one that produces an image which meets your standards.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.