If you created a Wix site and chose a free domain, your domain name will look like this: yourusername.wixsite.com/yoursite. You can upgrade to a paid domain at any time from your Wix Editor.
If you created a Wix site and chose a free domain, your domain name will look like this: yourusername.
Exciting update! We've collaborated with Wix to offer WBI users with a free plan for all website creation needs - Explore the details here.
If you registered a domain name with Wix, your domain name will look like this: yoursite.com. You can find your Wix site’s URL in your Site Manager.
If you connected an external domain name to your Wix site, your domain name will look like this: yoursite. You can find your Wix site’s URL in the Domain Manager.
There are several reasons why your Wix domain might not be working.
1. Your Domain Is Not Connected to Your Site
If you registered your domain with Wix, it is automatically connected to your site. If you connected an external domain name to your Wix site, you need to manually connect it.
To check if your domain is connected to your site:
- Go to the Domain Manager.
- Click Connected Sites.
- If you see your site listed under Connected Sites, then your domain is connected to your site.
If you don’t see your site listed under Connected Sites, then follow these instructions to connect your domain to your site.
2. Your Domain Name Server (DNS) Settings Are Incorrect
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a network system that translates human-readable website names into computer-readable numeric IP addresses. Every device connected to the Internet has an IP address assigned to it.
When you type in a website address in your browser, DNS servers return the IP address of that website, and the browser then connects to that server and requests the page that you want to see. If DNS servers are not configured correctly for a particular domain, the domain might not resolve. To check if DNS servers are configured correctly for your domain:
1. Go to the domain’s website and enter your domain name into the search bar.
2. Write down the four DNS servers that are returned.
3. Go to the domain’s DNS settings and check that the four DNS servers are entered correctly.
4. If two or more of the DNS servers are not entered correctly, contact your domain registrar for help.
5. If all four DNS servers are entered correctly and you’re still seeing this message, wait 24-48 hours for the changes to take effect.