Website Building » Wix » Why Is PayPal Payment Pending on Wix?

Why Is PayPal Payment Pending on Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:06 am

PayPal is one of the most popular payment methods available today. However, sometimes PayPal payments can become pending on Wix. There are a few reasons why this may happen.

One reason why a PayPal payment may become pending on Wix is due to the fact that Wix uses a different system for processing PayPal payments than other platforms. This means that it can take a bit longer for Wix to receive the payment from PayPal. In some cases, it may take up to 24 hours for the payment to go through.


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PRO TIP: If you are using PayPal to process payments on your Wix website, you may have noticed that some of your payments are marked as “Pending.” This means that the funds have been successfully transferred from the buyer’s account to your PayPal account, but have not yet been transferred to your bank account. There are a few reasons why this may happen:

1. The buyer may have used an eCheck. An eCheck is an electronic version of a paper check. When a buyer uses an eCheck, PayPal temporarily holds the funds until the eCheck clears (which can take up to 10 days).

2. The payment may be under review by PayPal. This usually happens if the buyer has a new or unverified PayPal account, or if the payment is for a large amount of money. Payments that are under review will usually be released within 24-48 hours.

3. There may be a problem with the buyer’s funding source. If the buyer’s credit card is declined or their bank account is empty, the payment will be marked as pending. The buyer will need to resolve the issue with their funding source before the payment can be completed.

If you have any questions about why a payment is pending, you can always contact PayPal

Another reason why a PayPal payment may become pending on Wix is because the buyer has chosen to pay with an eCheck. eChecks can take up to five business days to clear, so the payment will remain pending until the eCheck clears.

If you’re wondering why is PayPal payment pending on Wix, there are a few possible explanations. In most cases, it’s simply due to the way that Wix processes PayPal payments.

However, in some cases it may be due to an eCheck that the buyer has used for payment. Either way, the payment should eventually go through without any problems.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.