Website Building » Wix » Why Is Squarespace More Expensive Than Wix?

Why Is Squarespace More Expensive Than Wix?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:31 pm

Squarespace is a popular website builder that offers a range of features and templates to suit a variety of businesses. While it is one of the more expensive website builders on the market, it does offer a number of features that make it worth the price.

One of the reasons that Squarespace is more expensive than Wix is because it offers a range of ecommerce features that Wix does not. If you are looking to create an online store, then Squarespace is definitely the better option as it offers features such as inventory management, shipping and tax calculations, and Abandoned Cart Recovery.


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These features are essential for any online store, and you would have to use third-party apps to get them with Wix.

PRO TIP: While Squarespace is generally more expensive than Wix, there are some key reasons why this is the case. First and foremost, Squarespace offers a much higher level of customization than Wix. You can really make your site look unique with Squarespace, whereas with Wix you are somewhat limited in terms of design customization. Additionally, Squarespace provides superior hosting and customer support than Wix. So while you may pay a bit more upfront for Squarespace, you’ll get a lot more in terms of features and support.

Another reason Squarespace is more expensive is because it offers unlimited storage and bandwidth, whereas Wix limits you to 2GB of storage and 500MB of bandwidth per month. This is a big difference, especially if you have a lot of high-quality images or videos on your website.

If you need more than 2GB of storage, then you would have to pay extra with Wix, whereas with Squarespace, it’s included in the price.

Finally, Squarespace offers 24/7 customer support, which is something that Wix does not offer. If you run into any problems with your website or have any questions, you can always contact Squarespace for help.

With Wix, you would have to rely on their online help center or community forums for assistance.

In conclusion, Squarespace is more expensive than Wix because it offers a number of features that Wix does not. If you need an online store or unlimited storage and bandwidth, then Squarespace is definitely worth the extra cost.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.