Web Development » UpWork » Why Is UpWork Service Fee So High?

Why Is UpWork Service Fee So High?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:25 am

UpWork is a freelancing platform that connects businesses with remote workers. It allows businesses to post job openings and receive proposals from freelancers who wish to work on the project.

UpWork takes a percentage of the freelancer’s pay as a service fee.

There are a few reasons why UpWork’s service fee is so high. First, the platform has a lot of overhead costs. It costs money to maintain the website, pay the staff, and keep the lights on. Second, UpWork takes a risk when it connects businesses with freelancers.

There is always the potential for a business to be unhappy with the work that is delivered or for a freelancer to not show up at all. UpWork protects itself against these risks by charging a higher service fee.

PRO TIP: Upwork service fees are high because the company charges a 20% fee for every contract. This can add up to a lot of money, especially for long-term projects. Make sure to factor this in when budgeting for your project.

Third, UpWork is one of the most popular freelancing platforms available. This means that there is a lot of competition for jobs.

To stay ahead of the competition, freelancers have to offer lower prices, which in turn drives down their earnings. And since UpWork takes a percentage of what freelancers earn, this means that the company earns less as well.

Despite the high cost of using UpWork, many businesses and freelancers find it to be worth the price. The platform offers a wide variety of jobs and an easy way to connect with potential employers.

For businesses, it’s a cost-effective way to find quality talent from around the world. And for freelancers, it’s an easy way to find work that fits their schedule and skillset.


There are several reasons why UpWork’s service fee is higher than other freelancing platforms. The company has high overhead costs, takes on risk when connecting businesses with freelancers, and is one of the most popular platforms available which drives down earnings for freelancers. Despite the higher cost, many businesses and freelancers find UpWork to be worth the price due to the wide variety of jobs available and easy connection with employers or employees.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.