Website Building » Wix » Why Is Video Not Playing on Mobile Wix?

Why Is Video Not Playing on Mobile Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 1:07 am

There are a number of reasons why video may not be playing on your mobile Wix site. Here are a few potential causes:

1. Incorrect file format


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The most common reason for video not playing on mobile devices is an incorrect file format.

Make sure that your video is in .mp4 format, as this is the most universally compatible format. If your video is in another format, you can use a free online converter to change it to .mp4.

2. Incorrect file size

Another potential cause of mobile video playback issues is an incorrect file size.

Mobile devices have limited storage space and processing power, so it’s important to make sure your video file is not too large. We recommend keeping your video under 50MB.

PRO TIP: There are a few potential reasons why your video might not be playing on your mobile Wix site. First, check to make sure that the video is compatible with mobile devices. If it is, then the next step is to check your internet connection. If you’re still having trouble, then try restarting your device.

3. Poor internet connection

If you’re trying to play a video on your mobile device and it’s not working, it could be due to a poor internet connection. Make sure you’re connected to a strong Wi-Fi signal or using a reliable data plan before trying to play videos on your mobile device.

< Why Is Video Not Playing on Mobile Wix?/u>

There are several reasons that might cause videos not to play on mobile devices powered by the Wix platform. The most common reason is an incorrect file format: videos must be in .mp4 format in order for them to be universally compatible and playable on all devices.

Another potential cause for playback issues is an incorrect file size: because mobile devices have limited storage space and processing power, videos must be kept under 50 MB so as not to overload the system. Additionally, poor internet connection can lead to videos not loading properly on mobile devices—so users should make sure they have a strong Wi-Fi signal or reliable data plan before attempting to play any videos.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.