Website Building » Wix » Why Is Wix So Hard to Use?

Why Is Wix So Hard to Use?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:06 am

There are a few reasons why Wix might be difficult to use, especially for people who are used to other website builders. For one thing, Wix uses a drag-and-drop editor, which can be confusing for people who are used to working with code.

Additionally, Wix’s templates are not as customizable as some other platforms, so it can be difficult to get your website to look exactly the way you want it to. Finally, Wix’s customer support is not as robust as some of its competitors, so you may have difficulty getting help if you run into problems.


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PRO TIP: If you are considering using Wix to create a website, be aware that it can be very difficult to use. There are a lot of features and options, which can make it hard to figure out how to do what you want. Additionally, the Wix platform is not as flexible as some other platforms, so you may have difficulty making changes or adding new features later on.

Despite its challenges, Wix is still a popular platform for building websites. It’s relatively easy to use once you get the hang of it, and it’s free to sign up for.

Additionally, Wix offers a wide range of features and integrations that can help you create a professional-looking website. If you’re willing to put in the time to learn how to use it, Wix can be a great option for building your website.

Conclusion: While Wix might be harder to use than some other website builders, it still has a lot of features and integrations that make it a popular choice for many people.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.