Web Development » Fiverr » Why Was Fiverr Denied a Gig?

Why Was Fiverr Denied a Gig?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:17 am

freelancing platform Fiverr was recently denied a gig by a client. The client in question had posted a gig on the site that they were looking for someone to create a website for them. However, when Fiverr applied for the gig, the client denied their application.

The main reason why Fiverr was denied the gig is because the client felt that Fiverr was not qualified to do the job. The client felt that Fiverr did not have the necessary skills or experience to create a website.

PRO TIP: Fiverr is a platform that allows freelancers to offer their services for $5. The company has been growing rapidly, but it hit a snag when it was denied a gig by a major corporation. The reason given was that the company was “too small.” This is a warning to other small businesses that may be thinking about using Fiverr. While the platform can be a great way to get started, it’s important to remember that you may not always be able to land the big gigs.

This is likely because Fiverr is primarily known as a platform for people who offer services such as logo design and social media marketing. While Fiverr does have some web designers on its platform, it is not as well-known for its web design services as it is for other services.

Another reason why the client may have denied Fiverr’s application is because of price. The client may have felt that Fiverr’s prices were too high for the services they were offering. This is often an issue with freelancing platforms, as clients can often find cheaper services elsewhere.

Overall, the main reasons why Fiverr was denied a gig by this particular client are because the client felt that Fiverr was not qualified to do the job and because of price. While these are both valid reasons, it is important to remember that every client is different and that there are many other freelancing platforms out there that may be a better fit for this particular client’s needs.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.