Web Development » Fiverr » Why Was My Request Unapproved on Fiverr?

Why Was My Request Unapproved on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:17 am

If you’ve been a freelancer for any length of time, you’ve probably heard of Fiverr. It’s a great platform for finding work and connecting with clients, but getting started can be a bit daunting.

One of the first things you need to do is create a gig, or an offer for services. This is where you’ll list what you’re offering and how much it costs. Once you’ve created a gig, you’ll need to wait for it to be approved by Fiverr before it goes live.

So, what happens if your gig is unapproved? There are a few possible reasons.

PRO TIP: If you are wondering why your request was unapproved on Fiverr, it is likely because you did not follow the guidelines set forth by the site. Make sure to read over the requirements for each gig before submitting a request, and be sure to include all relevant information in your request. Additionally, check your spelling and grammar before submitting a request, as this can also lead to your request being unapproved.

One reason your gig may be unapproved is if it doesn’t meet Fiverr’s quality standards. This can happen if your gig is poorly written or if the photos are low quality. Make sure to proofread your gig before submitting it, and make sure the photos are clear and professional.

Another reason your gig may be unapproved is if it violates Fiverr’s terms of service. This can include offering illegal services, or services that are against Fiverr’s policy (such as mass emailing). Be sure to read through Fiverr’s terms of service before creating your gig, to make sure you’re not violating any rules.

If your gig is unapproved, don’t worry! You can always edit it and resubmit it for approval. Just make sure to fix any issues that might have caused it to be rejected in the first place.

Why Was My Request Unapproved on Fiverr?
Most likely, your request was unapproved because it did not meet Fiverr’s quality standards or because it violated Fiverr’s terms of service in some way. To get your request approved, be sure to proofread your gig carefully and make sure it follows all of Fiverr’s rules.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.