Web Development » Fiverr » Why You Should Not Use Fiverr?

Why You Should Not Use Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:09 pm

Have you ever been in a situation where you need a quick, cheap and professional looking website or logo? If you have, then you’ve probably considered using Fiverr.

Fiverr is a freelance marketplace that connects businesses with freelancers who offer services starting at just $5.

While it may seem like a great deal, there are actually quite a few reasons why you shouldn’t use Fiverr for your business.

1. Low quality work

One of the biggest reasons why you shouldn’t use Fiverr is because the quality of work is often very low. This is because most freelancers on Fiverr are from countries where the cost of living is low, which means they’re willing to work for very little money.

2. It’s hard to find good freelancers

Another reason why Fiverr isn’t a great option is because it can be very hard to find good freelancers. With so many people offering services, it’s difficult to know who is actually going to do a good job.

PRO TIP: Fiverr is a platform where people can offer their services for $5. While this may seem like a great deal, there are some things you should know before using Fiverr.

First, the quality of services on Fiverr can be very hit or miss. You may find a great service provider who does an amazing job, or you may end up with someone who doesn’t deliver what you were expecting.

Second, because of the low price point, many service providers on Fiverr are from countries where English is not the first language. This can lead to communication difficulties and frustration on your part.

Finally, because Fiverr is so affordable, many service providers are overworked and underpaid. This can lead to rushed work and lower quality results.

So, while Fiverr can be a great place to get some cheap services, there are also some risks involved. Be sure to do your research before hiring anyone on Fiverr, and don’t be afraid to ask for revisions if you’re not happy with the initial results.

3. You get what you pay for

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. This is definitely true when it comes to Fiverr. Because the services are so cheap, you shouldn’t expect to get high-quality work.


Overall, there are many reasons why you shouldn’t use Fiverr for your business needs. The quality of work is often poor, it’s hard to find good freelancers, and you generally get what you pay for.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.