Web Development » Fiverr » Will I Get a 1099 From Fiverr?

Will I Get a 1099 From Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:09 pm

As an independent contractor, you’re responsible for paying your own taxes. This means that you need to track the income you earn from each source and report it come tax time.

For many people who work online, this includes earnings from sites like Fiverr. So, the question is – will you get a 1099 from Fiverr?

The answer is maybe. If you earn more than $600 from Fiverr in a year, then the company is required to send you a 1099 form detailing your earnings.

However, if you earn less than this amount, you won’t receive a 1099.

PRO TIP: If you are an independent contractor who receives a Form 1099-MISC from a company, you may be wondering if you will receive a 1099 from Fiverr. The answer is maybe. Fiverr is not required to send independent contractors a 1099-MISC, but may do so at its discretion.

Of course, even if you don’t receive a 1099 form from Fiverr, you’ll still need to report any income you earn from the site on your taxes. The IRS has a record of all the payments made through Fiverr, so they’ll know if you don’t report it. So, even if you don’t get a 1099 form, make sure to include your Fiverr earnings on your taxes.

In conclusion, whether or not you’ll receive a 1099 form from Fiverr depends on how much money you earned through the site in a year. However, even if you don’t get a 1099 form, you’re still responsible for reporting any income earned from Fiverr on your taxes.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.